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Evaluation Criteria: Class participation will be evaluated and graded based on five individual areas.


Class work…...20%




Student Responsibilities: Once again to everyone as a whole, I really want to reiterate in order to ensure that everyone is treated fairly, collectively I view you all as one. You must understand that with team effort comes team celebration, and with team faults comes team repercussions. Always keep in mind that as a teacher it is not only my duty to provide you with the necessary knowledge to help you through your middle school years, but it is also your Responsibility as a student to take your Education seriously; this requires Team Effort. Being a part of a Team also requires that you take the time to view things from not your own perspective but the perspective of your teammates around you as well. Any individual who causes disruption throughout class not only robs themselves of their learning time, but yours as well and vice versa. I hope that moving forward we will all not only learn together but grow together as well. I look forward to building individual relationships with each of you.

  • Please come to class on time and prepared to learn (meaning you will come to class with your writing utensil of choice, your notebook of choice (to write your homework in) , required text for this class and all assignments (including homework) are turned in on/before their specified Due Date.

  • *No Late Exceptions (unless you have an excused absence),

  • *No extra credit assignments (Cannot be considered Extra credit if the work that was assigned was not done)

  • *All work must be turned in via TEAMS (begin viewing your work as an extension of you, Take Pride, and understand that work via school or career is Always Professional!).

  • **Do Not email me your work.

  •  With taking your education seriously it is also your Responsibility to obtain any work you may have missed (All work is on Teams in the “Assignments” tab)

  • Makeup work- the time you are given to make up work, depends on many days you missed, therefore if you miss 1 day you will only have 1 day to turn in the work you missed (All your teachers can see each other’s attendance…therefore if I know you missed a day in my class, but you attended all others, you will need an excused absence)


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